Computation :: Bitwise
- bit_clear(bitfield,bit)
- Returns a given bitfield with a given bit set to 0.
- bit_set(bitfield,bit)
- Returns a given bitfield with a given bit set to 1.
- bit_test(bitfield,bit)
- Returns the state of a bit within a given bitfield.
- bit_toggle(bitfield,bit)
- Returns a given bitfield with a given bit toggled.
- bitwise_reverse16(n)
- Returns the given number with bits in reverse order.
- bitwise_reverse32(n)
- Returns the given number with bits in reverse order.
- bitwise_reverse8(n)
- Returns the given number with bits in reverse order.
- bitwise_rol(n,count,size)
- Returns the given number rotated to the left by given number of bits.
- bitwise_ror(n,count,size)
- Returns the given number rotated to the right by given number of bits.