Graphics :: Color
Here you will find scripts for manipulating colors in various ways.
- color_mix(color1,color2)
- Returns a 50/50 mixture of the two given colors.
- color_multiply(color1,color2)
- Returns the product of the two given colors.
- color_scale(color,scale)
- Returns a given color with each component scaled by a factor.
- color_to_cmyk(color [, channel])
- Returns a list data structure populated by CMYK values of a color, or optionally, the value of a specific color channel.
- color_to_hex(color)
- Returns a given color as a hexadecimal string in RRGGBB format.
- color_to_wavelength(color)
- Returns the approximate wavelength of a given color in nanometers.
- hex_to_color(hex)
- Returns an RGB color from a given hexadecimal color code.
- hex_to_rgb(hex)
- Returns a list data structure populated by RGB color component values.
- make_color_random()
- Returns a random color.
- merge_color_squared(col1,col2,amount)
- Returns a color merged from two colors by a given amount, where color components are squared for a more natural mix.
- merge_colors(col1,col2,...,amount)
- Returns a color merged from a series of two or more colors by a given amount.
- rgb_to_cmyk(r,g,b [,channel])
- Returns a list data structure populated by CMYK values of a color, or optionally, the value of a specific color channel.
- rgb_to_hex(r,g,b)
- Returns a given color as a hexadecimal string in RRGGBB format.
- wavelength_to_hue(nano)
- Returns the approximate HSV color hue [0..255] of a given wavelength.